Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Flip-Flops = Gay?

Thursday, April 21, 2011
Doctor, Doctor, Can't You See I'm Burning, Burning...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
New Ultraman Toy

Monday, April 18, 2011
An Observation On Sex And Friendship
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Sometimes your friends truly rock!
Godzilla sightings in films
There's nothing that gives me more pleasure than unexpectedly spotting Godzilla or his friends in a movie that isn't about him. Here is a list of flicks where i've spotted Godzilla figures, models, posters, etc.
Serial Mom - Beverly's horror movie buff son Chip had a Godzilla model in his room on a shelf. You can spot it behind Kathleen Turner's head when she asks to watch the tongue mutilation scene in Blood Feast.
All Over The Guy - Gay romantic comedy. One of the guys is into collecting Planet of the Apes figures, and at one point they go to a comic shop where there's a shelf in the background with a few Godzilla figures. I instantly spotted Bandai's Godzilla 2001 with the glow fins.
Creepshow - The intro at the beginning where the kid gets scolded for reading "trash", aka horror comic books. He has a Mattell Rodan hanging from his ceiling.
Mars Attacks - There's a brief clip of Godzilla smashing through a building (I think it's from Godzilla vs. Biollante) while the aliens are flipping through television channels.
The Deadly Spawn - Awesome 80's horror flick about alien creatures hiding out in a family's basement, there's a kid in it who is into monsters and has a Mattell Godzilla in his room.
Friday the 13th Part 3 - After the male half of token sex couple gets hacked in two, his girlfriend is laying on a hammock reading Fangoria magazine. She flips to a page that has an article on the 25th anniversary of Godzilla. One page has a reproduction of the American poster for Godzilla vs. Megalon. Blood drips on the magazine and she looks up in time to see her dead boyfriend before Jason slams a knife through her chest.
Pee Wee's Big Adventure - During the bike chase scene at the end, Pee Wee goes through several movie studio lots, one of them happens to be during the filming of a Godzilla film, with an actor dressed in a rubber Godzilla suit fighting a dangling paper maché King Ghidorah.
Antibodies - German thriller about a small town cop who interrogates a serial killer to get answers regarding an unsolved murder. There's a scene during a kid's party when the camera sweeps across a table, where an Imperial Godzilla figure is sitting on. That was the big highlight moment of the film for me, as the ending to an otherwise decent story was a big letdown.
O Fantasma - Foreign flick about a young trash collector named Sergio who seems to live in his own fantasy world. While on his trash collecting route he runs into a handsome young man and quickly becomes fixated on him. He eventually breaks into the guy's house and, while spying through his bedroom in the dark with the light from his lighter, you can see a Godzilla figure on the table next to a computer. Then in the next scene he pees all over the guys bed while holding the Godzilla figure in his hand.
On Getting Older

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Tattoos and Reading
But sometime in my mid-twenties I kind of lost touch with reading. I would attempt to pick up a book here and there but would find that I wouldn't have the concentration or focus to really finnish it, even though I may have found it interesting. Now that I think of it it's probably because I set about actually living and experiencing things instead of reading about them. As a kid you read and hear about things and as an adult you do them I suppose. Still, the desire to go back to the world of reading remained with me, if vaguely buried deep in my subconscious.
Then not too long ago I was in a bookstore with a gal pal and she showed me a book she read about a girl who becomes a vampire. She said it was funny and sarcastic. I picked up a few other books by this same author and found one that had an interesting premise: a guy in San Francisco is appointed the role of Death. The novel is A Dirty Job and the author is Christopher Moore. I bought it and started reading pages here and there, finding it interesting. Then for a few weeks I stopped reading it. Which brings me to now.
Just a few days ago I had an appointment to get a tattoo. Stay with me, this is related to reading.... So I thought about what to do while I get my tattoo, since none of my friends were going with me like they had during past tattoos. Talk to the tattoo artist, look at the decor of the tattoo shop, check my e-mails from my phone, read a magazine.... then I thought, why not bring my book and read while i'm getting inked? So I brought it along and while I lay there, shirtless on the table while the artist sliced some ink into my chest I found myself picking up where I left off and enjoying myself. Midway through a customer came in and started talking to my tattoo artist. She must have been a regular because he told her he needed to show her a piece he was working on for her. While he took a break from my tat the woman noticed the book I was reading and enthusiastically said how much she loved it. We chatted for a while about it, and it was nice to bond with a complete stranger while laying on a table shirtless with ink being sliced into my body, haha! She even talked about how she was inspired to get a tattoo based on the cover art of the book. So all in all I found it pretty amusing how getting a tattoo has indirectly jump-started my enjoyment of reading again. Don't know how long it will last but for now i'm going with it. Hell, if i'm going to consider myself a geek bear then reading would fit in well with that category, no?