Friday, December 30, 2011
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Cute Toys
The others are Tokidoki Unicorns. They come in unmarked boxes so you never know which one you'll get. There were 2 in particular that I wanted, a black one with red eyes named Fumo and a light blue one with a mowhawk named Pogo. I ended up with Pogo but haven't gotten Fumo yet. I also got some other ones that are way cute. Their names are:
Top from left to right: Stellina and Bellina. Bottom row from left to right: Dolce, Pogo, Ritmo and Mooka. Tokidoki makes cute toys and figures, as well as clothes and make-up. The little skull & crossbones heart design on Pogo's butt is the same design I have tattooed on my right arm.
My favorite films of 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Samuel Adams Variety Pack Review
I recently picked up a Samuel Adams variety pack case of their beers, featuring 6 different types of beers. Here's my verdict....
Boston Lager - This beer is tasty and has a nice, smooth aftertaste. Very good. It's a great beer to drink ice cold on a hot summer day.
Winter Lager - Another tasty beer. This one supposedly has cinnamon, orange zest and ginger, but I don't really taste them. Still, the flavor is smooth and not bitter. Yummy!
Chocolate Bock - I was pleasantly surprised by this beer. I was thinking that chocolate flavor added to beer would be nasty, but it's actually not bad at all. This brew is aged on a bed of cocoa so you get a subtle cocoa flavor.
Old Fezziwig Ale - Meh... this one is not too great. It has a semi bitter aftertaste. This one was named after a character in Dicken's A Christmas Carol, a story which I always hated, about a holiday that I hate, but that has nothing to do with the fact that I don't care for it. Tasting this on a hot summer day would make me turn to water instead.
Holiday Porter - Ewww! Bitter and nasty is the only way I can describe this beer. With each sip the flavor got worse and after a few sips I found myself pouring the rest of it down the sink. Nasty!
Black & Brew - This is a coffee stout, and like their Chocolate Bock the flavor was surprisingly not bad at all. You do get a nice espresso flavor that goes down relatively smoothly.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Getting to the bottom of things!
Yes, cleaning oneself can sometimes be a chore. I prefer having as much advanced notice as possible, so I can be fully ready and as clean as possible. If I know a day ahead of time i'll watch what I eat or even try not eating much, if anything at all. And for all those sex advice blogs that think it's no big deal and that cleaning the mess is part of the fun, try telling that to a guy who's wearing the remains of your last meal all over his penis. So yes, being a bottom can be a pain in the ass at times (no pun intended, haha), so for all you eager tops, give a guy a break and practice some patience. Give us bottoms time to do our thing so that you can do your thing mess-free. ;-)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
My favorite albums of 2011 so far....
Sunday, December 4, 2011
More Bear Paw Ink
I wanted to try out this shop in San Francisco that a few people had recommended and i'd been curious about. I walked in and there were no other customers there. The artist was a cool, nice dude named Michael. After talking to him about the tattoo idea I had, he went over some sketches with me and he came up with a simple one I liked, light blue, outlined in black. So I decided to go for it and get it done. After he finnished it, he asked if I wanted to try some shading around the pawprint, to give it some more character. I had originally mentioned the color orange and he showed me a sketch idea of it with orange shading around. I liked it so I told him yeah and he added a nice orange shade around it. So no, this is not an excuse to show my ass, but just to show my new ink, number 8.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The other side isn't any greener...
About Frenums
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Ultraman Crabby
Today I stopped at my local collectibles shop and picked up an Ultraman Mebius figure. I didn't care too much for that show but the figure is sweet and comes with several accessories.
Now that we're in the holiday season I find myself slightly crabbier than usual. I think Xmas is lame but I'm trying not to be such a negative bitch. People say " 'tis the season to be jolly" but all I see are people getting overly stressed about things and rushing around like chickens with their heads cut off. Shopping centers are a nightmare to be at, and everyone seems to be more on edge. There's nothing jolly about that. But I will try to control myself and reply to Merry Christmas greetings with "same to you" instead of the "FUCK OFF!" that i'd like to reply with. ;-)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Intrusive Questions
1. How old were you when you knew you were gay?
When I was young I always had a romantic "thing" for dudes. Then as a teenager in the locker rooms is when I figured out exactly what it was.
2. Have you ever had sex with the opposite sex?
Yeah and it's not as bad as some gay men would have you believe.
3. Who was the first person you came out to?
4. Are you out to your family?
My parents know, my brother knows. Everyone else knows too, we just didn't have that talk. And if they don't know they're blind.
5. Do you want children?
No my cats are enough.
6. Do you have more gay friends or straight friends?
I actually have more straight friends. I get along great with straight females and I tend to get along better with straight dudes as well. Lesbians are cool but gay men tend to be too much drama at times.
7. Were you out in school?
Not really.
8. Is your best friend the same sex as you?
No but she's a gay man trapped in the body of a woman.
9. If your best friend is the same sex, have you ever had sex with them?
No but she and I have kissed before. We were drunk and goofing around.
10. Have you ever done crystal meth?
Nah. The only drug I ever enjoyed was acid back in my teens/early twenties.
11. Have you ever been in a sling?
Yep, got put there by a hot otter.
12. Have you ever done a 3-way?
Yes. 3-way, 4-way, 5-way....
13. Have you ever dressed in drag?
14. Would you date a drag queen?
Nah 'cause I like men with facial hair and naturally hairy bodies, and in order to successfully pull off the drag they'd have to shave.
15. Are you 'fixed in your ways' as it were?
Yes I am. Aren't we all to some degree?
Original 15. Are you a top/bottom or truly versatile?
More bottom although I do top on occassion.
16. Cher or Bette?
Bette. She's just more naturally sassy.
17. Have you dated someone of a different ethnicity?
Yes I have.
18. Been to Fire Island? Saugatuck? Key West? Ft. Lauderdale? Palm Springs?
I wouldn't be caught dead at Fire Island, where the hell is Saugatuck? Key West and Ft. Lauderdale i'll pass on. Yes to Palm Springs but that was for the Coachella music festival.
Original 18. Have you ever barebacked?
Yes I have.
19. How many Madonna CDs do you own?
Most of them except for her last one. I didn't care for her dip into hip hop too much.
20. Name of your first love?
21. Do you still talk to them?
22. Does size matter?
It kinda does but at the same time if you don't know how to use it then it doesn't. A small or average guy can leave you just as sore and gaping as mr. ten incher if he does it right. ;-)
23. Biggest turn on?
Facial hair, body hair, tattoos.
24. Biggest turn off?
25. Ever been harassed due to your orientation?
I recall some kids in high school didn't talk to me 'cause they thought I was gay.
26. Worst gay stereotype that applies to you?
I own a lot of damn shoes. In fact, I just talked myself into not going into a certain store to see if those shoes I saw the other day were still there.
27. Ever been to a pride rally?
Many many times.
28. Would you marry if you could?
No. I believe that us gay men have the right be get married, but I also believe that marriage is not for everyone, and i'm pretty sure that it's most definitely not for me.
29. Would you rather be rich and smart or young and beautiful?
Rich and smart. Youth and beauty don't last, but if you're rich you can make them last for a long time.
30. Do you sculpt your eyebrows?
Hell no!
31. Do you trim your body hair?
Hell no!!!! Ok I do trim my back but that's because it gets too damn hairy and I have no desire to look like an escaped extra from the Planet Of The Apes franchise.
32. Ever had sex with more than one person in a day?
33. Ever been to an orgy?
Yes. I have a bear friend who hosts them every so often. I've been known to attend. :-)
34. Which character in "The Women" best reflects you?
Never saw that flick.
35. Favorite gay expression?
Like OMG!
36. How may 'exes' do you have?
37. Do you believe in fairies?
38. Do you have any tattoos?
7 and counting.
39. Do you have any piercings?
Just nose and used to have my tongue but I took it out and it healed. I'm still debating whether to get my nipples done or not.
40. Would you date a smoker?
Probably not.
41. If you are male, do you know many lesbians?
Yes I do.
42. Do you know anyone who has died from HIV?
No I haven't.
43. Are you part of a gay organization?
No i'm not.
44. Is your gym cruisy?
I don't go to a gym.
45. Grinder or Scruff?
Neither. Until just recently I found out what Scruff was.
46. Are your best years behind or in front of you?
In front of me or so I hope.
47. Got Porn?
48. Make out music?
Massive Attack is good, or Boards Of Canada.
49. Ever been in love with a straight guy?
Nope, just lustful fantasies.
50. Did you ever have sex with him?
We got drunk and kissed, but it was more of a bromance kinda thing.
51. Have you ever been to a nude beach?
No but I once gave a friend directions to one that I found on the internet when he called me up.
52. Have you ever been to a bath house?
Yes I have.
53. Ever had sex in public?
54. What gay gene did you miss out?
I'm not a flamboyant queen, I don't give a rat's ass about Aberzombie & Fitch....
Monday, November 14, 2011
De/Vision - Popgefahr The Mix
Thursday, November 3, 2011
3 Things
This rant has to do with all the websites and blogs online where the owner is under the delusion that they're some high fashion consultant and feel the need to tell people how to dress, what to wear and not to wear. In particular, I find it annoying when people write blogs and articles complaining about men wearing flip-flops. Honestly, who really gives a fuck what a guy wears on his feet? I agree that it's not appropriate wear at the office, but other than that why is it such a big deal? I've read an alarming number of blogs and sites where people bitch and complain about something as insignificant as them seeing a guy wearing flip-flops with jeans at the local taco shack or coffee shop. I personally happen to find that many guys look hot with jeans and flip-flops anyway. In the end who really gives a crap????
Halloween weekend was pretty cool and mellow. I went out with some friends, did some drinking, did some dancing, went to a fun haunted house, and ate too much candy. One friend got way too drunk and made an ass of herself, embarrassing herself and everyone else that was around her (including some of her co-workers). Apparantly practicing restraint while drinking with co-workers is something that never occurred to her and now she's paranoid because they're all suddenly acting distant. Can we say DUH???? She's now on this "i'm going to monitor my drinking" kick but I know her well enough to know that this will last as long as a plate of tuna in front of a cat.
An out-of-state friend has been e-mailing me and telling me the details of some dude he's been messing around with. Apparantly this dude he's met is bisexual and doesn't have much experience with guys (or so he claims). But after receiving his first rimjob from my friend he wants to try more and wants my friend to be the 1st guy to pop his manhole. My friend is asking me for advice 'cause he's afraid he'll have performance issues. I told him not to sweat it and just enjoy it. I just find it amusing that i'm being asked for advice on something like this.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
2 Different Dudes, Same Name
Friday, September 30, 2011
Nudity In Public and Ladytron
Later that evening I went up to the Regency Ballroom to see Ladytron. They were good as usual. Much better than the last time I saw them. However, that's partly due to the fact that the dumb bitch I went with last time ruined the show by being a drama queen and throwing a fit. Needless to say I never bothered going to a show with that dumb twat again! It took 'em a while to gain some momentum, opening softly with Soft Power. A few songs later in the set they really took off musically, with an awesome 1-2-3 punch of Runaway, Ace Of Hz and Little Black Angel. Other highlights were Mirage, White Gold, International Dateline, Discotraxx and an awesome finnish with Seventeen. Helen looked cute in a white gown-like blouse and these flowery things in her hair. Mira also looked cute wearing a black dress with cherries, but at the same time she looked bored. However she usually has that unenthusiastic expression so it might just be how she is. Opening act Polaris At Noon was pretty decent. The other dude, Sonoio, was kinda dull, just sitting on the floor while this light panel lit on and off, and he appeared to be lipsynching his techno songs. He seemed to have the personality of a pretentious douchebag too, as he never once engaged with the audience or even aknowledged this obvious fan who was at the front of the stage and waving to him.
It was a great night nonetheless. Hot dudes and live music from a favorite band, who could ask for more?
Sunday, September 18, 2011
10 Things That Are Running Through My Mind At This Very Moment.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Sticky Tricks, Tattoos and the Undead
When I wasn't busy avoiding certain texts last weekend, I decided to stop by my tattoo shop and inquire about my latest tattoo idea, maybe put a deposit and make an appointment for the next coming weeks. When I asked for my tattoo artist the owner then tells me that he's in Mexico getting married and plans on opening his own shop, maybe down south (as in Southern California area). My heart sank as I really liked him (his work, that is, not him..... though he is kinda.... ahh nevermind!). So the owner asks me if I want to check out books of some other artists there. After flipping through a few I found this one artist who's work was really good. Turns out he was sitting there in the shop, had some free hours, so I showed him the design, went to the ATM to get out the $$ and 2 hours later I walked out with fresh ink. It's a cross with a rosary draped around it on my left arm. I've been wanting to get a rosary tattooed for some time, and this design really spoke to me when I saw it. Wasn't planning on getting inked so soon again but that's how the cookie crumbled. And i'm already thinking of other ideas for future ink.... perhaps a small bearpaw on my butt. ;-)
Last night I attended the Zombie-O-Rama fest in my town. It's the 3rd year they had it, I went last year and had fun. Basically it's a festival in downtown area where people are invited to attend dressed like zombies. They have vendors selling food and merchandise, businesses around the area have drink and food specials and will post signs on their door saying "this is a zombie-friendly establishment", they'll have live entertainment and when the sun goes down they'll show a zombie film outdoors on a huge screen in the middle of the park. Last year it was Sean Of The Dead, this year they showed Fido. I got me some make-up and went to my friend's, where we put on our make-up and fake blood and then walked to the event, which is a few blocks from her place. I was pleased with how my make-up came out, with fake shards of glass sticking out of my bloody face. There were lots of cool people dressed in really cool zombie costumes and make-up. My favorite was this girl who was walking her dog, only the dog leash was her intestines that were sticking out of her side. It was a lot of fun watching the reaction of drivers and passersby when they would see us walking down the street, all bloody and rotting. I'll definitely be making this a yearly tradition.
Monday, August 8, 2011
A random thought on a possible future purchase...
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Mail Goodies
The weekend is upon us and I currently have no plans, although something usually pops up in the form of a
text/e-mail getting an invite to do something. Maybe i'll make a batch of that good, strong Sangria I made last
weekend, where just one glass got me good and toasted. Sangria by itself has a tendency to get me drunk, but I added peach schnapps, triple sec and cranberry juice that gives it an extra punch. Maybe i'll see about getting a ticket to Treasure Island Music fest as I got an invite to join some friends. Cut Copy and Empire Of The Sun are headlining the day they're going, sounds fun. Perhaps i'll try painting something as I have a few ideas forming in my head. Shopping is out of the question; I have enough shoes, t-shirts, shorts, underwear and tank tops to last me well into the next 3 summers. No I don't need another pair of Converse, I don't need another pair of Vans... I don't need another pair of Adidas....
Monday, July 25, 2011
Neurosis and Sociopathy
Friday, July 22, 2011
Annoyances and Loud Music!
In other news, last night I went to see Soundgarden. All 4 of the original members got back together for a reunion tour. Soundgarden were one of my favorites in the 90's so I was happy when they regrouped for this tour so I can see them because I never got a chance to see them in their heyday. They played a 2 hour set consisting of songs from all their albums. Chris Cornell (HOT!!!!) was sporting long hair and a beard, damn he looked good! I was hoping he'd remove his shirt but it didn't happen. But their live versions of Outshined, Rusty Cage, Fell On Black Days, Spoonman, The Day I Tried To Live, Searching With My Good Eye Closed, Jesus Christ Pose and the awesome finale of Slaves & Bulldozers were simply awesome! Today i'm tired and my legs hurt from standing so long, but that's what beds and pain pills are for.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Fresh Ink
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Things that I learned while on vacation in NYC

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Debauchery of an Angel Bear

Thursday, June 2, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Matthew Montgomery, i'm still waiting for that good film...

Sunday, May 1, 2011
A day in the life of a geek bear

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Flip-Flops = Gay?

Thursday, April 21, 2011
Doctor, Doctor, Can't You See I'm Burning, Burning...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
New Ultraman Toy